QUOTE (G_Sharky @ Apr 7 2004, 02:20 AM)
You should be okay, but if your not sure you could always use this formuala:
1" of fish= 1 Gallon.....Hope this helps
I do so hate this 'rule' and it is so not true! Look at my oscar. He only gets 12-14 inches so according to this 'rule' I could keep him in a 20 gallon tank when he is full grown. NOPE! There is no way. He would die of poor water conditions in a tank that size.
It goes by the bioload you are putting on the tank. All fish put off about 30% of their body weight a day in watery ammonia. One 10 inch oscar is going to put off more on a tank than 10 one inch neon tetras. Why? The Oscar is a messier fish and it weighs more. Hence it is putting more ammonia in the tank. The best way to tell if your tank is overstocked is to always check the params. If you are having constant ammonia and nitrite problems chances are your tank can not handle the amount/size of fish in the tank. If your tank params are always good then your bioload is fine.
And thow that stupid one inch per gallon rule out the window!!!