Would these fish work in a 75 Gallon Saltwater?


New Member
May 24, 2004
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I was wanting to know if there would be an over crowding or agression issue with my fish if I added a Porcupine Puffer. I currently have a Small Volitan Lion, Small Gold and Maroon Clown, and a Powder Blue Tang. I would like to get some thoughts on me adding a small porcupine puffer to this mix.

oops :*) :crazy:

I wouls say that the puffer wont overcrowd your current tank. They do grow very large though and can be quite aggressive so i would watch closely to see if it would attack the clowns I think your tang will take care of itself, perhaps watch for the Lion as puffers can find their fins a nice tasty snack.

I think it could work, just monitor them closely
Don't add the porcupine puffer. You don't have enough room for one. First of all they need a tank of at least 125 gallons and secondly your tank is full. I know know you feel, I wanted one to, they're so cute! :wub:
Actually i must admit that its probably going to be far too big for your tank. They grow over 3ft in size ( which suprised me! :crazy: ). A fish this size wont just need a huge amount of room but also needs very powerful filtration and skimming. Puffers are messy eaters so the waste they give off would be quite a bit.

But as far as inhabitants to your tank goes, i wouldnt agree that its full.
even if your tank is 75 US gallons, this is still 62.5 UK gallons and this can hold more than 4 fish. Admittedly your tang and lion will gorw large and i am concerned that the lion will see your clwns as food as soon as it grows (they can grow fast too). But with careful research you could add more to the tank.

Lions dont needs alot of swimming room but tangs do. I would not keep a tang in anything under 75 gallons (UK)

Hope this helps
Thanks for all the info guys/gals. I did some more research and I must say that I agree with you all on this.

Thanks again,

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