Would these fish be ok in the same tank ????

i love cichlids

Fish Fanatic
Jan 8, 2003
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How would these fish go together ?????
Electric blue, Kennyi, Tropheops, Gold labs, Peacock cichlis.
Im not to keen on the Eletric blues cause they grow too big.
What abou the rest ????? Its for my Lake Malawi tank.
any in fo on the peacock would be great. Are they good with small fish cause thats what it say in my book ????
Thanks :D :p :D :p :D :p :D :p :D :p
ok, to start of with how big is the tank?
that will help a lot

there are a lot of electric blues look at this:
all of which get about 7 inches

as for the kenyi (Metriaclima lombardoi):

the Tropheops are quite agressive:

and the gold lab i presume that you are talking about the yellow lab:

and for the peacocks there are many different kinds of them as they are a species from lake Malawi:

hope this helps
What size tank do you have and are there any fish in there ?

Some of the names are a bit vague

Electric blue, Kennyi, Tropheops, Gold labs, Peacock cichlis.

Electric blue is a common name for a few different species
kennyi is a malawi cichlid in the sub group mbuna
tropheops are normally kept in a species only tank
gold labs i assume are yellow labs
peacocks are a sub group from lake malawi

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