Would these 2 get on?


New Member
Nov 13, 2003
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Barnsley,South Yorks
Thinking about adding a red-tailed black shark to a 100l tank containing a flying fox - I know they can be territorial - what do you chaps think?
i pretty sure it would be fine providing there are plenty of hiding spaces etc so they can establish terrotaries. i have a red tailed shark in my 50g community tank and he gets on fine with the clown plec who is very terrotorial. i hav found that he is really a big coward. if anything chases him back he want chase it again, anyway he never upsets the other fish or causes them any harm.
The problem is that the red-tailed shark and the flying fox have a similar body shape, so they will consider each other rivals. Also, a 100 l tank is barely enough for a territory for one of them, definitely not for two 6 inch fish. I don't recommend getting the RTS.
I hvae one of each in my 75G and the rts does chase my flying fox if he gets too close but once he has left the rts's patch then he leaves him alone.
The thing to look at here is the L, this tank is 100 litres not gallons, which means it is less than 30g (probably a 36" tank).

Both these fish are aggressive and territorial to fish which are similar in shape and appearance, i would not recomend having both in a tank that small.

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