would sharks eat the other fish?

What size tank do you have / Gonna get and do you know which shark it is you are going to get?? What other fish do you plan on putting with it?

Also if you haven't yet set up check out "Fishless cycling" it saves a lot of time and stress for the fish
I'm going to assume you mean by shark that gets over a foot long that you mean a Bala shark?

If so then no, they aren't aggro at all but they like to be kept in groups and need plenty of space to swim. If it is Bala sharks, they get bigger than a foot. They get up to 16".

Bala Sharks, red tail sharks Rainbow sharks etc. Aren't sharks at all. They are just minnows. They are only called "sharks" because of their dorsal fins and the lfs's use that name because it makes them sound more exotic to the newbie and they can sell more of them.

If it's not a Bala then, like others have stated, let us know what it is so we can further help you. :)
lionfish said:
what kinda shark is it? what fish do u have. how big is ur tank?
Isn't this the same person that started the topic?? asking the same questions I did in the previous post?

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