Would It Be Ok To?


Fish Herder
Jan 5, 2006
Reaction score
Leeds W.Yorkshire
Ok so my eggs have hatched during the night! I have only seen a couple of fry and I'm concerned that my bettas has moved his nest! Would it be ok for me to catch any fry that I see and transfer them into a seperate container and keep it inside the tank (lid on) to keep water warm! Also how much water should I use etc? I'm only asking as I don't think there are many fry and I don't want to risk losing what few I have to my males apetite when they become free swimming! Any suggestions are welcome on this topic thank you in advance!

ps sorry to start a new thread!
Never transfer the fry to another tank, they are still weak and they might get stressed and die if you transfer them.

Remove the female first then observe the male if you think he's going to eat the fry then you must remove him right away.

Usually the male will take care of the fry and sometimes you can leave him there for a week or so. What I do is after 3 days I remove the male Betta and let the fry live on their own.

Don't starve the fry or they'll die and don't overfeed them.

Do 10% water changes everyday and keep the water clean.

Good luck.
Thanks I'll leave male in then until Friday then I'll remove him! The female was removed on Monday after I'd found out that they had spawned! I'll keep my eye on him when I get home!

Thank you!
Trust me I will! I still cant believe they actually spawned though! It's the pair I was talking about on Monday and I was going to remove the female as hadnt conditioned them properly! Even if I only get two fry to survive I will be happy! If none survive I'll just have to keep trying in future months! At least I have a good father I was proud of him last night constantly picking up all the eggs that fell! He did it with such grace and didnt munch on one whilst I watched!

If it fails do you think I should try the same pair again as they seemed to get on well at the time or should I use a different female?
Just to let you guys know my male ate the last of my fry last night! Saw it swimming about (his bubble nest was destroyed) and then he caught it and ate it! Pretty sad at the mo but not disheartened as I have a female already barring so might try her with one of my other males!
Dw it happens to the best of people. :p That's why most of these big time breeders are always checking up on the fry but seeing you have a job and all you cant really check up on them 24/7 but dont worry you will make it next time remove the male as soon as they hatch.
I feel for you. One of my best males who has NEVER eaten eggs and always spawned beautifully...

Ate all his babies today after they hatched:(((
It is pretty sad! I knew I should have followed my instincts to remove them oh well I suppose its trial and error when you start out for the first time!

I will keep you updated on any future spawns!

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