Would It Be Best If I Put My Fish Down?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 14, 2007
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Leicester, uk
My female guppy that we thought was heavily pregnant but as she got bigger thought she was either constipated or egg bound. She has got smaller but now where her gravid spot would be is now red and she has something red sticking out of her side. Maybe something internal? THis morning I have come downstairs and she is hiding on the bottom, so I've put her in a breeding trap. Would it be kinder to her if I was to put her out of her misery? (not that I really wanna do it.)
i'm sorry i dont have any advice just wanted to say i know you'll do what you can to help her but if you cant it wont be your fault if you have to end it for her.
people with advice will be here soon

Does the red thing appear to be protruding from her anus/gravid spot or from the inside of the fish, in the stomach area?
It protruding from where her gravid spot would be. Instead of it being black round there it's red and this thing is only protruding out a little bit.

I'm not sure what this is, but it sounds vaguely similar to ArauraDiscus's problem in the post above, i wouldn't euthanise as yet. Unless of course you believe it to be infectious in some way and a risk to your other fish (questionable morals, i know...).
If it is the same as Arauras then you may have to snip it off......
I'll PM him and ask him to view this topic, he's a regular poster in emergencies so i'm sure he'll be willing to help out.
My guess would be camallanus though, a parasite that hangs from the anus which is (apparently) particularly common in livebearers;


Find a medication that treats nematode worms, if you believe it is this....

Good luck.
Yeah this sounds similar. I snipped my female molly's protrution off and that was about 3 weeks ago. Now she is happy as can be. As long as the molly doesn't look to be in serious pain, she may be fine. But I doubt she will be able to have fry again. Good luck! thanks for the Pm germ.
I been thinking about it and thinking about it. I don't think i'd be confident enough, it if came to it, to cut it off! I hate cutting cots out the dogs fur! I think i'll keep checking on her and if worse comes to the worse i'll ask my lfs n see what they think coz i don't even think i could put her out of her misery myself.
Bite it off.

I would use a razor blade. Those things are sharp, and will just make a clean cut. And it won't squeeze like scissors would.
Thank you all for your help. And I just wanted to let you know that I have just come home and she has died.
Atleast now she's happy!
I know this is going to sound really horrible but when I fished her out I took some pics as I couldn't when she was in the water.
not going to post them now coz I don't whether morally wrong to post pics of a dead fish?
I personally wouldn't consider it wrong, probably helpful if anything...
If you have qualms about a public post i'd like to see them via pm?

Sorry for your loss :byebye:
I wouldnt say it was morally wrong because you may help us all avoid this same sort of death in the future or at least help everyone identify the disease if there fish has it :) i know its not nice having fish death one of my fry died this morning, he was 6 weeks old and fine up until now, i hate mystery deaths :(
SNAP!! I woke up to my only male dalmation molly sleeping with the big fish upstairs, no idea why, water perfect, he looked happy as chasing all 3 girls, maybe they ganged up on him, beat him up, nicked his money and left him for.......

sorry to make humour out of a dead fish, I was gutted though, its a mystery!!

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