Would I be overstocking?


Fish Crazy
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
San Francisco, CA
I have a 10 gallon currently with 6 tetras and two guppies. I was thinking of adding 2 corries and was told that 2 corries would be good to add to the community. I still, however, worry that I may be overstocking my tank. Could someone tell me if this would be a bad idea?
whats sort of tetra's are they and what sort or corys you going for.

if small types sounds fine to me, if they get 3 or more inch's (the corys) you maybe pushing it a little depence on you tetra size.

Hope that makes sence
It depends on the tetras. Do you know what kind they are?

If it's something small like neons or glowlights, you might be able to do it. Another problem though is that cories usually do better when you can atleast five or six of them. Some people say that their cories do just fine by themselves or with just one buddy. I've kept just a couple of cories, and I've kept groups. In my personal experience, the more cories you have, the more active they are and the better they do.

If you could find them, I think pygmy cories would be perfect for your tank. I think you could add three or four to your tank. I think you would have to be extra vigilant on tank maintence, though.
I was actually thinking of using peppered corries, I haven't done much research on them yet though. I would, however, be willing to move some fish around if that's what would need to do.
Peppered cories are a personal favorite of mine. :wub: :wub:

They are a pretty hardy cory, and mine are pretty active. They will get between 2-3 inches. Panda cories are a little smaller (1 inch).

Maybe you could try 3 peppered cories or 4 panda cories, and the tetras you currently have, and possible move the guppies to another tank? Or keep the guppies in the tank, move the tetras, and get 6-8 inches of cories?
Thanks dixasiy!!

My goal was actually to use my tetras to keep a cap on my guppie population and the corries just because I've always been atracted to them and never had a chance to own one.

hmm... my guppies are going to give birth in about a week so moving them wouldn't be a great idea... I'll see what I can do about moving the tetras.

Otherwise, assuming I can't find enough places to move the tetra's how many peppereds could I add?
I would say 2-4 cories, depending on how much extra work you're willing to do. You'll be adding 4-12 extra inches of fish (depending on how big they'll get). The nice thing about cories, though, (atleast with mine) they never seem to be major waste producers.

I think the best thing to do would be to add just 2 to start with, make sure that the water perimeters stay stable for a few weeks and everyone is staying healthy, then add another...then wait, keeping an eye on the water perimeters, and if they are still ok and everyone is healthy, add one more cory.
Yep, that's exactly what I mean :nod: :nod: :nod:

Just take it real slow, and always be watching for any signs of illness or stress.

Hope it all works out for you....I know you'll really enjoy having cories.
you could proabbyl get away with four pandas but I'd avoid the pepperd, tehy are one of the biggest cories. pandas are more delicate tho.

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