Would I Be Over Stocking?


Fish Fanatic
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Morley, Leeds, UK
Hi all,

I am thinking about buying 2 clown loatch's and a ghost shrimp this weekend for my 15 gal tank,

If i add these fish will i be over stocking my tank?

I currently have:

1x Silver Shark
2x Black Molly
3x Guppy
3x *What i think are bristle nose pleco's*
6x Neon Tetras

Thanx for any info


Most Important - Are these fish compatible?
I'm afraid clown loaches get way too big for your tank - as do silver sharks. You're overstocked already unless you are planning to get a vrey large replacement tank in the near future. :/
The Silver shark is only in my tank cos my dad thought it would be a good idea to get a piranha :rofl:
Munch said:
The Silver shark is only in my tank cos my dad thought it would be a good idea to get a piranha :rofl:
This is no laughing matter is is very important for you fishes health
do you plan to re-house the shark in a big tank yes or no?

and to answer you original question no you can't put two clowns in there they need to be in groups of six or more and grow fast and big

and by looking at your signature you seen complacent about the
previous deaths.
you had two male fighters in a 4gal tank?

or am i reading wrong?

the only suggestions i can give you is

take back the silver shark, weither its you dads or not, its still in a cramped condition wich is in no way good for the fish, also take out one of the bristlenose catfish, even though they only stay small, a 15gal hasnt the room for one poopin machine never mind 2

for the loaches you need a bigger tank, as already stated, they may be slow growers but at the end of the day, if they survive they can and will grow to 8inches.

ur tank (_________) <<that big loaches (______________________) this big... see where we commin from?

the same can be said for the silver shark but on a much bigger scale... think someone said once that they can grow to roughly 13-14 inches.

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