Would Clown Loaches Work Well In This Set Up?


Fish Addict
Feb 16, 2011
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Would clown loaches work well in this set up?

1 Large Balloon Molly
1 Guppy
1 Sailfin Molly
10 Neon Tetras
2 Plecs
5 Rhombo Barbs
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Bleeding Blue Tetras
10 Leopard Danios

Planted tank with bogwood, rocks and hiding spots
Would clown loaches work well in this set up?

1 Large Balloon Molly
1 Guppy
1 Sailfin Molly
10 Neon Tetras
2 Plecs
5 Rhombo Barbs
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Bleeding Blue Tetras
10 Leopard Danios

Planted tank with bogwood, rocks and hiding spots
Clown loach grow very large (12" or even more) so need minimum of a 6x2x2 tank.
Would clown loaches work well in this set up?

1 Large Balloon Molly
1 Guppy
1 Sailfin Molly
10 Neon Tetras
2 Plecs
5 Rhombo Barbs
1 Dwarf Gourami
8 Bleeding Blue Tetras
10 Leopard Danios

Planted tank with bogwood, rocks and hiding spots
Clown loach grow very large (12" or even more) so need minimum of a 6x2x2 tank.

So no then, thanks mate
You're welcome, sorry the answer isn't good; they're gorgeous fish; I'd love to have some *sighs*
Yeah there are beautiful, but it would be cruel to keep them in such a small space, thanks for the heads up, something else then lol
I was always told that to have a minimum of 6+ that an ideal size tank would be no less than 700ltr. I didn't believe it but when I seen my friends tank with the guide what he suggested in actually looked a bit too cramped even at that with only the loach in it.

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