Would A Singular Silver Tip Tetra Fit In Ok With A School Of Rummynose


Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2008
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and black neon tetras.

My mate has a silver tip tetra which she inherited from her dad when he changed to cichlids. Although safe in her tank he is not particularly suited and looks a bit lost.

My tank has only tetras - 10 black neons and 8 rummynoses. The silver tip is the same shape and size as my current fish so do you think it would fit in ok despite being a different type.

Any opinions appreciated. Many thanks.

tank is 60l, has been cycled (fishless) for 7 months, and is majorly overfiltered (fluval 3+ & fluval 2+) nitrite + ammonia both at 0
I cant see why it cant work but imho silver tips are aggressive little fin nipping tetras that are best with its own kind but again thats just my opinion. :good:
I saved 3 silvertips from my brother ( he was going to flush them because he didn't want them anymore ! ) and they get along fine with my leopard danios, so I shouldn't think it would be a problem.
the silvertip should be fine with the other tetras but may not hang out with them. It might try but the other fishes might not accept it into their group. Therefore you might need to get it a few companions (other silvertips) so it can have its own little group.

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