and black neon tetras.
My mate has a silver tip tetra which she inherited from her dad when he changed to cichlids. Although safe in her tank he is not particularly suited and looks a bit lost.
My tank has only tetras - 10 black neons and 8 rummynoses. The silver tip is the same shape and size as my current fish so do you think it would fit in ok despite being a different type.
Any opinions appreciated. Many thanks.
tank is 60l, has been cycled (fishless) for 7 months, and is majorly overfiltered (fluval 3+ & fluval 2+) nitrite + ammonia both at 0
My mate has a silver tip tetra which she inherited from her dad when he changed to cichlids. Although safe in her tank he is not particularly suited and looks a bit lost.
My tank has only tetras - 10 black neons and 8 rummynoses. The silver tip is the same shape and size as my current fish so do you think it would fit in ok despite being a different type.
Any opinions appreciated. Many thanks.
tank is 60l, has been cycled (fishless) for 7 months, and is majorly overfiltered (fluval 3+ & fluval 2+) nitrite + ammonia both at 0