Would A Siamese Fighter Fish Be Ok In This Setup


New Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Bournemouth, England
I have a tank that has now been running for a few months and all is well apart from one fish dying after managing to get caught in the filter!!! I had a dose of whitespot over a month ago but that has now all cleared up fine as well.
I would love to add a siamese fighter to my tank as i love the look of these wonderful fish but i don't what to add one of it means trouble with the rest of my setup, so here is what i've got, can you kind people please tell me if one will be ok in here?

3 Blue Rainbow Fish
3 Long Fin Widows
3 Rose Tetras
1 Bristlenose
5 Neon Tetras
3 Penguin Tetras
4 Danios (2 Zebra, 2 Pearl)

All these fish have been happy together for quite a while now with absolutley no fighting/nipping or any other problems (touch wood!!!) So would a Fighter fish be ok in here or could there be trouble? if so with what fish?

All water readings are fine by the way!!

Many thanks for any advice.
bad idea, fighters do not do well in community set up's, particularly not with so many colourful fish on a similar swimming level as them.

if you want one get him his own 5gallon tank :good:
i agree he needs his own tank, otherwise he will either end up with no fins or he will attack your other fish :)
Ok wouldn't want that to happen so i guess i'll give that miss for now, my tank is approx 45G.
Mind you if i can find space in the house for another little tank!!!!! God the wife would kill me!!!! :)
I would say that you would do better to bulk up on some of your schooling fish groups. Schooling fish generally need 5 members minimum in their group.

So I would say, add to all you tetra groups and your rainbows to take them all up to 5 members at least. Ideally more. The betta is a definite no in my opinion.


Like everyone else said they like to be on there own and they might fight with fish that lookthe same like guppies
and also ive heard there not to strong swimmers in a strong current.
I've never had a problem with my fighters in community tanks, as long as your other fish don't have fancy fins/tails (for example - guppies) you should be fine.

As you will see from my list I have one in my big tank he happily swins about and never bothers or gets bothered by any other fish.
It's very hit and miss with Bettas and a lot depends on their personality. I would never personally keep one in a community tank as I wouldn't want to risk it.
One of my Bettas was kept with Zebra Danios in the lfs and had his fins ripped to shreds, luckily it's healed now.
As a rule, they are a solitary fish and are perfectly happy in a tank by themselves. ;)

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