Would A Male Bn Attack Weatherloach Or Corydoras?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
Reaction score
SE London
This weekend i am getting another 3 weatherloaches (10 -12cm)as companions for the one I have now because I gather they do best in groups. I plan to put them in a 3ft tank which has an aggressive male BN. Will the BN attack them? I suspect he may have killed my albino BN who was either a large female or submissive male without bristles.
I could move the BN into a smaller tank with assorted corries but as they are all bottom dwellers, would he attack them? I nursed these corries back to health (they were neglected and unwanted by previous owner). They are doing well and I would hate to see them killed or injured by the BN.

Or should I move the corries and weatherloaches togehter into the large tank and put the male BN on his own in the smaller tank?
Hi yeh if your bn is agressive then its a good possability that he will try to attack them

But tbh you never know you could try to put them in and see but it possible its a terrtorial agression so you could try moving him with your cories or like you sed move him to a smaller tank just not too small

Its a guessing game tbh u never know what a fish will do
Thanks for your advice. Rang the seller to confirm his address just before I was due to set off and collect them, only to be told he had sold them to a friend a few days before and hadn't even bothered to let me know. I'm realy annoyed =some people have no manners or common decency!
Does your tank have lots of wood and hiding places?
If so, they should be ok.

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