Would A Male Bn Attack Corydoras?


Fish Herder
May 17, 2009
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SE London
This weekend i am getting another 3 weatherloaches (10 -12cm)as companions for the one I have now because I gather they do best in groups. I plan to put them in a 3ft tank which has an aggressive male BN. Will the BN attack them? I suspect he may have killed my albino BN who was either a large female or submissive male without bristles.
I could move the BN into a smaller tank with assorted corries but as they are all bottom dwellers, would he attack them? I nursed these corries back to health (they were neglected and unwanted by previous owner). They are doing well and I would hate to see them killed or injured by the BN.

Or should I move the corries and weatherloaches together into the large tank and put the male BN on his own in the smaller tank?
I dont think your BN will be a threat to the corys or loaches. BNs can indeed be agressive to one another, but I've never heard of them actively being aggressive to other species.

One caution - are weather loaches not temperate water fish? I don't think they will do well in the tropical water range needed by BNs and (most) cory species.
I have a bn and 6 panda cories and there is no aggresion at all. I have seen them side by side more than once. And oddly the bn under rocks upside down with panda's under him on the bottom??. Yes i did try for pics but they moved :grr: .

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