Would a 75 watt heater heat a 20 gallon tank?


Fish Addict
Aug 22, 2003
Reaction score
Wisconsin, USA
Would a 75 watt heater maintain a 20 gallon tank at 78 degrees? I would only need to use it for a bit because my heater broke when I was washing the algae off of it and my LFS is closed today. Thanks so much!!
for short term it will be ok. For long term it would be a no. General rule is 5 watts per gallon so you really should have nothing less than 100 watt. But for one day it is fine.
yes that will do fine.
I have a 50wt in a 13 gal, heats up to 82 (if i let it :lol: )
Will be fine unless the area the tank is in gets unbelievable cold. A 100 watt heater costs about the same though, might just spring for the 100 watter.
yes it'll be good but it won't last long but u should buy 2 heaters half the size u need because if one of them overheates the ur not gonna get boild fish as fast and if one breaks then u got anouther to take the strain for a while

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