Would a 75 watt heater maintain a 20 gallon tank at 78 degrees? I would only need to use it for a bit because my heater broke when I was washing the algae off of it and my LFS is closed today. Thanks so much!!
for short term it will be ok. For long term it would be a no. General rule is 5 watts per gallon so you really should have nothing less than 100 watt. But for one day it is fine.
Will be fine unless the area the tank is in gets unbelievable cold. A 100 watt heater costs about the same though, might just spring for the 100 watter.
yes it'll be good but it won't last long but u should buy 2 heaters half the size u need because if one of them overheates the ur not gonna get boild fish as fast and if one breaks then u got anouther to take the strain for a while