Wots a good temp for my tank????


Fish Fanatic
Apr 13, 2004
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hi all, ive just got my new heater and was wondering what is a good temperature for my fish

again i have,

4 zebra d
4 tiger barbs
3 penguin fish
1 plec
2 orange fish i dont know what they are guppies or something
1 small silver shark thing
I try to keep my tanks at 80F. It just seems I never get disease breakouts, but I do 3 small water changes a week. :thumbs:
pls read ur other post refering to ur broken heater.... dont do the heat all at once,

if ur tanks presently at 75. then turn it up 1 notch at a time... over a certain amount of time... too much too soon can stress ur fish.
Anything from 75 to 80 is a good temperature. Over 80 is excessively warm. Warmer water is a a better bredding ground for bacteria (good and bad), speeds up the fish metabolism, and holds less oxygen.

if ur tanks presently at 75. then turn it up 1 notch at a time... over a certain amount of time... too much too soon can stress ur fish.
This is not necessary. A sudden submersion into a different temp can cause problems, but the length of time it takes for a heater to heat up a tank on its own is more then gradual enough for the fish to adapt. A temp difference of just a couple of degrees won't stress the fish anyway.
78F for me. Used to keep them at 76F but at 78F my fish just seem to have lots more energy.
ok ive put it on 28 degrees

dunno what that is in F
28 degrees C is much too high for most fish! I have a tank with fish that like warmer water than most tropical fish and even that's only at 26-27 degrees. Try 24-25 instead, that should be good for the fish you have listed.
Another vote for 78 F; that's where I keep mine. Unfortunately, when my CF lights are on the temp slowly raises to 80 F and stays there until the lights go off. Not a drastic change, but still undesirable. Good segue to a question I've had. :p

I wish there was a simple way of dealing with the increase, but I've not found an easy way to do it yet. I've considered raising the normal temp to 80 F to see if it would stay constant then, lights both on and off. At least then the fish wouldn't have to deal with temp changing - but that's really warmer than I'd like it to stay. I'd really rather it stay at 78 F all the time. Anyone know of an effective way to prevent that slight increase when the lights are on?

My apologies if I hijacked the thread! :/

Pendragon, that kind of small increase is something that fish in the wild deal with all the time. The increase is still gradual, and not sudden, so I wouldn't worry much about it.
your only option is one of those nice 50mm 12v fans in your hood to pull the air out. Like those used in computers.

Not sure how well it would work tho. If you did that you'd also best drive it at around 7v to keep the noise down to a whisper. Could make a big difference in the summer mind!

Actually scrap that idea.... an extractor fan would pull air into your hood and thus perhaps dust.....


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