Wot Size For Clown Loaches


Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2010
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hi i was wondering if anyone can tell me at wot size do clown loaches get to so they can breed,mine are around 4" and 2 of them have started to dance together and do the t position but no eggs as yet.thanks for replies.wouldnt know wot best to do about the eggs either as clowns in a community tank
hi i was wondering if anyone can tell me at wot size do clown loaches get to so they can breed,mine are around 4" and 2 of them have started to dance together and do the t position but no eggs as yet.thanks for replies.wouldnt know wot best to do about the eggs either as clowns in a community tank

Hi, Clowns have (arguably) never been bred in captivity and as far as I know they have to be a great deal bigger than 4" before they even become sexually mature
hi i was wondering if anyone can tell me at wot size do clown loaches get to so they can breed,mine are around 4" and 2 of them have started to dance together and do the t position but no eggs as yet.thanks for replies.wouldnt know wot best to do about the eggs either as clowns in a community tank

I had some clown loaches about that size that used to do the same thing, I think it was more of a pecking order being established. Check out this link for their breeding, but as Davo said, it is unlikely.

I have read that account of Clown loach breading in captivity from another source unfortunately it does not give anywere near enough info for my liking and there were never any pictures of the tank or the breeding pair funny that considering the magnitude of the achievement. There have been one or two other claims of success but it really is the holy grail of Loach Lovers.

The other big challenge is sexing Clowns, depends on who you talk to when it comes to the whole fin curving in way of deciding what's what.

Again this option as I understand counts on the fish being mature but then again that's conjecture on my part I have found alot of information on the internet on Clown loach unfortunately a lot of it is contradictory especially on sexing and breeding.

But I think two thing's are for sure you got to have a tank with Supremely excellent conditions and mature Clown Loach of the correct sex, If you succeed do not forget to tell us how you did it :good:
Clown loach can get over 12" and don't breed for a few years.

Breeding is not honestly possible in the home aquria just to many things to worry about.
I have extracted milt from males in the past at 6" in size which were 2 years old but getting females in the mod is harder them my wife

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