wot else can i have?


New Member
May 17, 2004
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i have got a ten gallon tank, and it has got four red platies, two penguins, and one albino shark. i did have ten fish, but i lost three in the space of a day. I was wondering wot other fish i can put into my tank.
whoa whoa whoa a shark? in a ten gallon?????? i dont think a shark its a good idea to keep a shark in a 10 gal, is it an albino rainbow shark(Epalzeorhynchos frenatus)? cuz they need at least a 50 gal!, well most of them need at leas a 50, the little one i saw that is silver apollo shark (Luciosoma sp.) needs at least a 30! you can put some gouramis in it but not too much, if you do somethin with the shark , try to find him a new home or get a bigger tank, and when you do that, you can have more room for fishies, like guppys, more platies or somethin you like but im speechless about the shark in a 10 gal, that wouldnt work :/

hope that helped
whoa whoa whoa a shark? in a ten gallon?????? i dont think a shark its a good idea to keep a shark in a 10 gal, is it an albino rainbow shark(Epalzeorhynchos frenatus)? cuz they need at least a 50 gal!, well most of them need at leas a 50, the little one i saw that is silver apollo shark (Luciosoma sp.) needs at least a 30! you can put some gouramis in it but not too much, if you do somethin with the shark , try to find him a new home or get a bigger tank, and when you do that, you can have more room for fishies, like guppys, more platies or somethin you like but im speechless about the shark in a 10 gal, that wouldnt work :/

hope that helped
they shark seems to be ok at the moment, when he gets bigger then i will put him in another tank.

IMO you already have too many fish for a 10 gallon.

That is probably why you lost 3 of them in days.

I wouldn't add anything else, and as mentioned above even as a baby your albino shark needs more room to establish a territory or else your others may become lunch. :crazy:
Small or not, get him out of there as soon as you can.

I wouldn't add anything to your tank until the shark is gone, and even then, I'd only replace him with a few (3-4) dwarf corys or otos. 4 platys and 2 penguins are already a large portion of the acceptable bioload for a 10 gallon tank.
i have got a bigger tank which has platies, neons and a flying fox. If i put the albino shark in this tank, will that be ok...
id advise it to be at least 36inchs in length... even then thats too small.

i myself have a albino rainbow shark in my 4ft and s/he was gettin territorial untill i added more plants around her/his hidy hole... i know my tank in about 2 yrs if not sooner will be too small for him/her.. so it will be goin to a new home... i had it a 3ft tank but s/he got very aggresive with anyfish he/she came into contact with... (i sooo must find out the sex of this monster so i can stop typin he/she :lol: )

i find it very hard to belive this fish is confertoble in a ten gal :unsure:
prior to adding ANYTHING to the tank I'd find out what your levels are in your water. If you lost 3 fish you may have high levels of something like ammonia or nirtite. I'd find out what they are and see if they're safe before adding anything else at all

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