Worth Trying To Retain Used Filter Medium?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2012
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Hi folks, my very first (proper) post and step into the world of tropical fish! I've just been and collected a 4 foot tank along with heater, filter and whole host of other bits and bobs. The tank had water in it until today, so the filter media is still damp. Is it worth putting the filter in a bucket of water to keep it damp, and then putting it back into the tank tomorrow when I've cleaned it all out (the tank not the filter)? Would I have to treat the tap water before I dump the filter in? I'm guessing retaining used filter media would give me an advantage in cycling my tank. Sorry if this is a daft question!
Yes it would be a good idea. Make sure it is a bucket of tank water though or at the very least dechlorianated water. Maybe put an airstone in aswell :good:
Yes it would be a good idea. Make sure it is a bucket of tank water though or at the very least dechlorianated water. Maybe put an airstone in aswell :good:

Thanks for the quick reply! I haven't got any tank water, but I do have some aquasafe, so I'll add the to a bucket of tap water and chuck in the air stone I got, that sound ok?
Sounds good. It will help your cycle for sure. Good luck.

Thanks for your help! As you can see below, the bucket isn't quite tall enough to submerge the whole filter, does it matter if not all the media is submerged? Is it worth throwing in a couple more pints of tap water to top it up? Apologies for all the questions!

Sounds good. It will help your cycle for sure. Good luck.

Thanks for your help! As you can see below, the bucket isn't quite tall enough to submerge the whole filter, does it matter if not all the media is submerged? Is it worth throwing in a couple more pints of tap water to top it up? Apologies for all the questions!
you could just take the media out of the filter and put it in the bucket.
Sounds good. It will help your cycle for sure. Good luck.

Thanks for your help! As you can see below, the bucket isn't quite tall enough to submerge the whole filter, does it matter if not all the media is submerged? Is it worth throwing in a couple more pints of tap water to top it up? Apologies for all the questions!
you could just take the media out of the filter and put it in the bucket.

Can't believe that didn't occur to me!!!
LoL, if you saved the filter bacteria you just saved your self 2 months worth of pain staking work :D
Fingers crossed then eh! I guess I'll find out in a couple of days! I'm guessing it isn't possible to start cycling before adding a substrate?
Yes, you can start without the substrate.

Welcome to the forum and have fun setting up your first tank.
I may be wrong, but it's my understanding that the bacteria living in the filter media feeds on ammonia, so as you have no source of ammonia the bacteria won't survive in a bucket of plain water.
It will last for a few days, Grant. But yes, you do need to get that filter fed, OP.

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