Worried About Overcrowding


New Member
Apr 6, 2011
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I am raising Molly and Platy fry, and even if I don't want to keep them, there will surely be more to come (as my Silver Molly and my 2 female Platys are pregnant) that I will become attached to. But will adding the Mollies and Platys I breed overcrowd the tank? The adult fish I have are: 1 female Silver Molly, 4 Platys, 2 Black Ghost Knifefish (who get along mostly), 3 corys, 1 "Gold Nugget" Pleco, and 1 Striped Pleco (both are currently small).
keeping 2 bgks in the same tank will cause huge problems, virtually any decent fish info site on the net will say do not keep two. More is OK or one is ok, but two results in real problems. Keeping any fish that can fit into the mouth of a black ghost with the ghost will mean the smaller fish are on the dinner menu. Take a look here for more good info on this fish: Mongabay
Well, yes, I know all about that, looking on both sites and on own experiences, but now they are doing okay and have settled their own territory, so I think it's fine. We have had fish disappearences in the past, but everything has settled down and the fish we have now, even the small fish like the Platys and Mollies, are able to live with both Black Ghosts. Also, I don't know how I did, but I forgot that I also have a Rainbow/Ruby Shark and 3 Bala Sharks.
My fish tank is 55 gallons, but we are planning to get a 150 gallon aquarium next year. :D

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