Worried about one of my new sterbai corys


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
Lincoln, UK

I got 2 sterbai corys last week. The smaller one is very active and often about while the bigger one is just still under the bogwood and only occassionly moves about. Although he was more active the first couple of days.

I know I need a bigger group, but I'm stocking my tank slowly and didn't want to get 6 all at the same time. I'm getting another 2 next week and then another 2 a forthnight after that.

Do you think he'll get more active when there are more of them? Is he OK - he looks alright. Also, am I right in that they're mainly nocturnal - might this be why he's not active?

thanks - am not used to catfish at all.
Some do come out at night, but mine are also out in the day, is his tummy bloated or sunken in.
not really shrunken or bloated, maybe more bloated than shrunken if you know what i mean - but not overly bloated.

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