Worried About Nothing?


Fish Gatherer
Jul 31, 2010
Reaction score
Taunton, Somerset
Couple questions about my clowns. One has a small whitish bump on his side and the other seems to stay rite at the top of the water. Also could i have to much flow or do they like swimming in the current?
They love the current when they settle in they will swim into the PH and throw their selves across the tank.

Not sure on the white bump but mine swim near the surface so I think that its normal. :good:
Clowns tend to be very very slow to explore their surroundings, in my tank they stay more or less in the same little bit in the back corner, in my nano they were always near the surface. It does look like they are struggling with their odd little wiggle, but I can assure you they aren't I have my MP40 on maximum in pulse mode so that's 13,000lph in a 3ft tank and again they are fine.
I can see what your saying HG. When I put mine in they stayed in the spot I dropped them in. I turned light back off and hal hour later they were swimming the loop with my PH flow around the tank. But the other way round haha
But they look like they struggle a bit. This morning one was behind the rocks the other at the surace.
Should I worry about this bump? He said its not a parasite or anything but he doesn’t know what it is but said it will befine.
I can see what your saying HG. When I put mine in they stayed in the spot I dropped them in. I turned light back off and hal hour later they were swimming the loop with my PH flow around the tank. But the other way round haha
But they look like they struggle a bit. This morning one was behind the rocks the other at the surace.
Should I worry about this bump? He said its not a parasite or anything but he doesn’t know what it is but said it will befine.

Who said it's not a parasite or anything but doesn't know what it is but don't worry the fish will be fine? Not to be rude or anything, but why would you take the word of someone who is trying to sell you something? I hope that it isn't anything and your fish is fine.
Here is what an isopod looks like:


They let go over night, and can re-attach to their host in the day, they lay eggs inside the fish, freshwater dips sometimes work but it is worth establishing whether or not you have one before you do anything.
Hows the disturbance on the surface are you getting enough oxygen? And also is ur Amm still 0?

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