Worried About New Gouramis :(


New Member
Jun 26, 2007
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Birmingham/Leicester(Term time), UK
I set up my new tank a while back now, but didnt have much time to get new fish until now. My local lfs which sells quite a big range of fish had quite a few gourami species.Ive really wanted the dwarf gourami for a while now, and I read a bit about it before..so obviously was worried about the disease's they can get,and was told to find a reputable dealer etc. The gouramis they had all looked healthy, all active, none lying on the bottom etc, didnt look stressed or any signs of disease so thort id get some.
Now the dwarfs were sold individually or as a trio, my tank at home isn't that stocked atm, so wanted to get a few but knew they could be bit aggressive if they werent put in the tank in the right quantities. (Btw these are male dwarfs). There were loads of dwarfs in this one smallish tank, and the guy sed three of them should do ok, and be peaceful/compatible with my current fish..so i went and bought the trio.

Now theres three of them in the tank along with some glowlight tetras, neon tetras, corys and sum zebra danios. All the fish get along with them, but the 3 gouramis sometimes do tend to annoy each other..they dnt like bite, jus like 'bop' or bump into each other, especially at night, chasing each other until settling and then doing it again.(when the lights are on, they do this still but much less)- (i did notice that this happened a bit in the bag before they were put into the tank after they were bought, but put it down to stress), and the biggest one of them is defo the one thts more 'dominant' i think, and starts the chasing, while the other two are kinda more calm.

This morning i noticed the biggest out of the three gouramis has a whitish spot jus under its mouth, and like a furry growth on one of its sides..im putting it down to mould..so sumhow they must have got stressed and this ones caught sumthing, but its onli the second day theyve bin in there!they were bought on monday and its wednesday now..so im shocked that this has happened so soon.

But the question is what do i do now??Is having three males causing a problem?i have now read on here that you shud keep 1 male to 2 females,wish i had known this earlier, but they did sell the males as a trio, and they didnt even sell any females there!! Another thing ive noticed from reading on here is tht dwarfs are supposed to be calm, but in my tank they tend to move round quite a bit?

The tank is 120litre (arnd 30 gallons) and is fully cycled, with water parameters checked and no sign of ammonia or nitrites.

Please please help, i dont wnt em to die!

Thanks a lot!!!! :unsure:

Edit:As im new to gouramis i thort i'd find a picture of exactly what it looks like. (with mine tho, a couple of them have uneven and shortened 'dangly bits' hope they havent been eaten off :crazy: )
A trio of male dwarves is definitely not a good combination. Three males would work if you had a large amount of space and plants, but it's still a little risky. Since they contract diseases very easily, 3 males chasing eachother would make them more stressed and prone on getting sick.

The white stuff on your gourami's mouth is probably mouth fungus, and is probably caused by them nipping and bumping into eachother too much. This can be cured with medication like Melafix. As for the uneven whiskers, they are also probably caused by nipping from the other dwarves and can grow back.

Gouramis can be active if they feel safe and can be peaceful with other fish if they are given their space.

If they keep chasing eachother around like that, your bound to end up with one or two dead sooner or later. What exactly is your tank size?

My suggestion is that you return 2 of the dwarves and keep only one, or exchange them for females if you can find any.

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