A couple of problems...
I have had my Bristlenose Pleco for about 4 months. He was about 1/2 an inch long when i got him, and he's only grown to about an inch at the most! Is this normal? I feed him algae wafers and cucumber and its always gone in the morning so i assume he's eating it. Im just a bit worried that he's only grown half an inch in 4 months!!
Also, ive noticed he's been spending all of his time in a little plant pot. I know they tend to only come out at night, but ive always found that he's been fairly active in the daytime and he used to always come out around 8pm and would stay out all night. Ive not seen him out of his pot at all in the last 2 or 3 weeks!!! Im really worried... Could he be sick? i poked him today to get a look at him and he looks ok... but it seems quite odd!!
If anyone could help id be really grateful!
Thanks, Jess
A couple of problems...
I have had my Bristlenose Pleco for about 4 months. He was about 1/2 an inch long when i got him, and he's only grown to about an inch at the most! Is this normal? I feed him algae wafers and cucumber and its always gone in the morning so i assume he's eating it. Im just a bit worried that he's only grown half an inch in 4 months!!
Also, ive noticed he's been spending all of his time in a little plant pot. I know they tend to only come out at night, but ive always found that he's been fairly active in the daytime and he used to always come out around 8pm and would stay out all night. Ive not seen him out of his pot at all in the last 2 or 3 weeks!!! Im really worried... Could he be sick? i poked him today to get a look at him and he looks ok... but it seems quite odd!!
If anyone could help id be really grateful!
Thanks, Jess