Worried About My Oscar


Feb 16, 2006
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Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
I just got my first oscar a few days ago, hes living in a 29 gallon while the 55 cycles. Hes small still only about 3 or so inches. The first few days he was really really active, then last night I noticed he was being a bit lethargic, so I checked the stats, the ammonia was a bit high (about .25) so I did a big water change, and now today hes laying almost completely on his side at the bottom breathing heavily. He still has an appetite and goes back to his old self when I give him food but then he just lays back on the bottom. Any ideas or suggestions??
Not sure what happened, but how did you acclimatise him?

The 29 is cycled isn't it? (I assume a yes as the only reason he is in there is because of cycling)

Also, .25 nitrAtes probably isn't enough to do that
my oscar laid on its side on the floor when it got freaked out like when i stuck my net in the tank or something.

hes alot better now tho and i have to make sure hes not around when i go near the tank otherwise he jumps out! lol
Oscars always go through phazes like that. He'll probably go back to normal before you know it. Just make sure you get the ammonia down to 0 and make sure nitrites stay at 0 too.
Oscars can be very tempermental beings. Mine will pout for 3 or 4 days after a water change or if I rearrange any tank decor. SOme Oscars also are just like that. They get lazy and just want to lay around. I wouldn't worry over it just yet.
Or he is bored out of his mind... mine always have something to do... usually chase the silver dollars around... but I think that could be another reason why. You dont have any other fish with him or? Guess theres not much choices out there, but it could be one reason I guess.
I dropped a whole shrimp (about 2.5 inches long) into my 120 gallon and os course him being an Oscar, sucked the whole thing up in his mouth. My oscar is only about 6 inches but thinks he can eat EVERYTHING. I tried to get it back from him to pull it apart into a few smaller pieces but he didn't like that idea very much. :lol: So after he managed to carry the shrimp around in his mouth and break it down into swallowable pieces, he sat at the bottom of the tank sort of on his side and breathing rather heavily.

I am pretty sure he just ate too much.

Maybe he over ate?

I have heard many stories of Oscar's just beieng moody or pouty and laying around for no reason. I am sure he will snap out of it.

Just make sure you do regular water changes so you can rule out the chance of it being your water.
Yeah..my Oscar did that for a few days. I was super worried bout him. He jus kinda floated didn't eat much..it was wierd. Like he wanted to eat but he didn't..and then he laid on the bottom for like two days kinda half on his side and such. But he's a lot better now..he's just like his old self. So yeah...

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