Worried about my new HM..


Moved On
Jan 17, 2005
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Im a bit worried about the new HM i've got. He arrived about a week ago and although he didn't settle in quite as well as his sister, he seemed ok after a few days. He's been eating well and was swimming around quite happily. But over the last couple of days i've noticed he's not been swimming as much and has been clamping his fins. He's also looking a bit pale and generally unwell!

I keep my betta tanks unheated in a warm room, but i though maybe he was a bit cold so have given him a heater (about 26 celcius) but he still doesn't seem any happier. I added some melafix when i did a water change this morning and that doesn't seem to have helped either!

I really dont want to lose him so can anyone suggest anything? He's showing no signs of any other illness or disease at all!!
Stress coat?? I dont think we get that over here :unsure:

He's in a two gallon tank.
bump the temperature up to more like 29 that should help him melafix i would not use and stress coat your lfs should carrie he was kept at 82 so it may be the colder conditions you have so warm him up slowley and see how he come on..... :rolleyes:
Ok.. i increased the temperature and he is looking a bit better. His colour is darker though he's still not too happy. he's just hiding in the plants and stuff -_- He did eat some bloodworms which is good though! Hopefully he just needs some time!

Im assuming the female was kept at the same temp? Becuase she has been fine since she's been here! Really happy and active!! Maybe he's just a bit more sensitive?
you can get stress coat over here in the UK jessica pet's at home sell it and most lfs do to it's just in a diffrent bottle to the US version
Ok, im still worried :(

His colour is better, but he's still not looking right. His fins are still clamped and he spends all of the time just resting on the plants in his tank -_- I thought maybe it was the coral sand i was using that was making him sick so i changed it to normal (if a bit colourful!!!) gravel, but he still doesn't seem any better. He's eating well and doesn't look sick but he just doesn't seem right. He's not at all active, i dont know what to do with him! :/

Can anyone suggest anything that might work? Im really worried about him. I've never had a betta who just does nothing! Im sure its not right... :(
move everything away from his tank as some get stressed very easy by anything, get him a cave or something he can hide in, is the flow to strong from the filter, try feeding live foods as a treat he may well be board :thumbs: , as a last resort when my raz was like this i used indian almond leaves and he soon perked up
There's nothing around his tank. He has a little plant pot to hide in but he doesn't use it -_-

The tank isn't filtered (may be worth a try??) and i feed live bloodworms twice a week, which he eats as well as the frozen stuff i give him.

Where can i get Indian Almond Leaves?
Well, thanks to red-devil my betta is looking much better already! :D

Within about an hour he was much more active and now, a couple of hours after putting the leaf in, he's unclamped his fins and is digging through the gravel!! Its amazing :eek: I'd never actually hear of Indian Almond leaves :*) But they obviously work well! :)

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