Worried About My Bn...


Fish Addict
Dec 23, 2005
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I've had my BN for about a year and a half now, and have never had any problems with him, I've had him since he was very small and now he is about 3" long (PS - How big do they normally grow? Because he is now in a smaller tank).
He started to develop patches on his skin, like light and dark patches about 2months ago, anybody know what this is? He seems to be in no discomfort at all and his behaviour is normal.
I've also moved him into a tank which is about 65L (Smaller than what I had him in before) Is this ok for him?
Mine has the same markings. I think it is normal.Oh and they only get to be 4-5 inches.
I've had my BN for about a year and a half now, and have never had any problems with him, I've had him since he was very small and now he is about 3" long (PS - How big do they normally grow? Because he is now in a smaller tank).
He started to develop patches on his skin, like light and dark patches about 2months ago, anybody know what this is? He seems to be in no discomfort at all and his behaviour is normal.
I've also moved him into a tank which is about 65L (Smaller than what I had him in before) Is this ok for him?

Has the new tank got a different color substrate, I ask because my BN changes colour depending what he's sat on !! on Bogwood he's a solid colour on the gravel he can be marbled.

Sometimes colour changes can be a sign of stress so make sure that the new water is ok but if he isn't clamped or looking bothered I'd guess he's normal.

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