Worried About 2 Cory Juvis...


***Corydora Crazy***
Jul 4, 2009
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Bristol UK
My 9 week old cory juvis have been in the main tank for just over a week,i noticed yesterday 2 of them appear very dark and alot smaller than the other 4 juvi's.It may be they're not getting enough food...
When i do see them they just stay on the bottom not moving,anyway i have put them in a floating trap earlier,added some food but they didn't seem interested.

Has a last resort i decided to add anti bacterial meds to the main tank,has 2 of the platys have stringy poo.

They seem slightely better more active,i just hope they pull through,their tail fins are quite clamped also...

Have i done the right thing adding bacterial meds?
I don't want to lose the wee things...

At the moment they're swimming around the trap,would meds work that quick?
I'm not too sure, but I know that fry cannot handle the amount of medication the adults can have, so its best to use a minimal amount depending on the size of your tank.

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