

Fish Crazy
May 13, 2020
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Can you identify this? stick with the video there is a good zoom in. My cat is headbutting my aem whilst filming.

Really appreciate all feedback.

I finally vacuumed the cherry shrimp tank as suggested as the detritus worms just wouldn't go away.

Mainly cause I saw some bigger than usual worms with different head shapes.

Can you identify this one? Can't tell by camera but the head is a bit like triangle or diamond shaped.

I put two female guppies in here as I finally am separating my guppies male and female..

I know some people said the guppies might eat auch things. Others said they don't. Giving it a go.

Some of you helped identify an isopod type thing before. Hoping someone knows what this is. It moves fast. Is bigger than the usual detritus worms and has a pointy, shaped head. It is not a flatworm I don't think.

Planaria. They tend to be ever present but unseen unless you overfeed. Then they can really increase numbers. I just had some make a guest appearance in a heavily fed fry tank. They're useful as indicators of too much food going in. When the water change and food routine stabilizes, you don't see them.
Planaria. They tend to be ever present but unseen unless you overfeed. Then they can really increase numbers. I just had some make a guest appearance in a heavily fed fry tank. They're useful as indicators of too much food going in. When the water change and food routine stabilizes, you don't see them.
Thanks. I wonder if my guppies might chomp on them. I only keep almond leaves in there and occasionally a tiny piece of shrimp stick or daphnia. Like once a fortnight.

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