

Fish Fanatic
Mar 20, 2004
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I have these little worms (some 1/2 cm, others are 1-3 cm long) in my 10 gallon tank(which doesn't have any fish in it yet). I first noticed them when I replaced my gravel with sand (estes marine sand.) Then I switched the sand with gravel, because the sand jammed my whisper filter. So I guess the worms were staying alive in the filter, because I ended up fixing the filter. Then when I ran the filter on my 10 gallon, about 20 worms just came out with the water and are swimming in my water. Now I think some got sucked up by the filter and I only noticed about 5-6 when I checked on my tank last. The worms are not very thick, they look like white strands of hair. So my question is, are these worms harmful at all, will they reproduce and be annoying, or is it just normal?
I had a simillar problem with little hair like worms. Basically I was told that they are not harmful, but more a nuisance. Seeing as I havent lost any fish I would tend to agree. Aparently several water changes, say every other day for a while will starve them. Since you have no fish in the tank go for big changes. Or if youve gotten fish by now, then obviously go with smaller changes. There are some fish that eat them too but Im not sure which. If you do a google search for little white worms, or planaria I think you will find some pictures. Hope this helps.

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