worms in tanks

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New Member
Sep 20, 2004
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Philadelphia PA USA
:crazy: Well here I go again. Started over with my 20 gallon tank. Completely ripped it apart, cleaned with bleach solution and salt. bought new filter, Penquin Bio-wheel 170, and all new rock and toys etc for the tank. Cycled, and stocked.
Had a little trouble with ammonia and nitrite spike for a while but got that all cleared up. Today I noticed white worms about up to 1/4" long in the gravel and free swimming. the fish were eating them. I know the arent anchor worms as I have had this problem (reason for breaking tank down). What do I have now?
Are these transfered from lfs? Are they from overfeeding? How do I get rid of them?

All my water parameters are ok. Just did a water change and thats when I notices these worms.

Any suggestions and help would be appreciated

Hi Patty

From reading one of my books, they could be planarians - "usually 2 - 10 mm, creamy white,grey or brown. Characteristic features are a v shaped head and a slow gliding motion over the aquarium surfaces"

Thay can be transferred from aquatic plants or live foods.

If they are at epidemic proportions it is a sign of overfeeding.

planarians are harmless, non parasitic, flatworms.

The book states that they will be eaten if you don`t feed the fish - you may have a colony breeding in the substrate of your tank so keep an eye if you see any on top of the substrate.

This is the only reference to any type of worm as you describe.

Hope this helps.

They are in just about every water [closed ]system involving live critters [ except newly setup systems ], epidemic proportions are a sign of over feeding , water changes should help , tear down is not nesseccery , they'll only be back .
Skip a feeding every 3rd day or so , it shouldn't hurt , unless you have fish that will eat each other .
They are harmless .
Yip planarians.
Could be caused by overfeeding.
Cut you feeding right down, the fish will then eat them. Problem soveled :D

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