Well my recently cycled tank (cycled for two weeks now) has been delt another blow, a wormy infestation of a couple 1000 white, hair like worms. They are stuck on the glass, gravel, floating in the water and even stuck all over the heater. I'm very shocked to find these 'worms' in my tank and I have no idea how to get rid of them. After doing some research I'm guessing they might be planaria and I hope to god they are not parastic. The worms seem to multiply a few 1000 each day and I water changes don't seem to be doing the trick. I need some definitive answers in getting rid of these things.
Some tank specs:
-Feeding habits: once every other day
-Tank Occupants: 2 whiteskirt tetras, 1 male betta, 2 african dwarf frogs
-Recently we had a snail death, I suspect shortly after the tank cycled.
-Ammonia: 0ppm
-Nitrite: 0ppm
-pH: 6.5
-Temp 75F
Some tank specs:
-Feeding habits: once every other day
-Tank Occupants: 2 whiteskirt tetras, 1 male betta, 2 african dwarf frogs
-Recently we had a snail death, I suspect shortly after the tank cycled.
-Ammonia: 0ppm
-Nitrite: 0ppm
-pH: 6.5
-Temp 75F