Worm things


New Member
Jun 18, 2004
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I bought 2 pounds of gravel from my LFS for cyling of my tank. I just noticed that there are litle worm like creatures in it. They are light brown,about an inch long at the most, and about the diamter of a pin. I dont know if these are parasitic or they are some kind of worm used as fish food. I tried to take pictures but they don't come out right. They are still "quarintined' from the rest of my tank so they are posing no harm right now. Any ideas?
Recently, I had posed this question to some of our forum buddies, and was informed that, in my case, I had Planarian worms. Although, in my case, the worms were/is a lot smaller, and they swam through the water 'chasing their tails.'
Giving that coiled spring look.

I've been told that Planarians aren't dangerous to your fish, or to humans. Not that I didn't believe what I had been told, but I didn't want to take the risk, so I had a good clear-out of my infected spare tank......I then used boiling water and, hopefully, have boiled these beasties to death.

Don't know if you'd want to chance it yourself. The decision is yours really..... :D
I've got a picture now

I'v having problems with images right now on my computer so if that isn't showing up then here is the direct link
Firstly, I'm no expert on worms...as you had probably made out already, but these really do look like Planarians, as described by some of the descriptions I've seen on the internet. They're certainly about the right size.

If these are Planarians, they shouldn't be able to harm any of your fishes. In fact, I've read that some species of fishes actually eat them, eg Otos, Kribs etc I'm sure if you dig around the Internet, you'll be able to find out more, and then come to a conclusion of your own.

If you're still worried, and don't want to take the risk, I suppose you can do what I did. In addition, You can use medication but, personally, I wouldn't go down that route myself.

Keep us informed on your move, buddy and good luck. :lol:

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