Worm Things Floating Around My Tank !

Norwich keeper

New Member
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Norwich, UK
I have a tank with Cherry Shrimp in. A few Malaysian Trumpet snails are also in there to help eat any left over food. Java Moss and Java Fern on bogwood.

I have just notice little worm type things floating around with the current of water, ranging from around 3mm - 10mm long and alive as I see them give the accasional wiggle! They are white in colour.

Any ideas on what these are and how I can get read of them. I've been keeping fish for years and never seen these sort of things before!

Any ideas welcome as I dont fancy having them in the tank long.

Many thanks guys and girls.
ahh i hate those things!!!! i had them befor

i read up on them and even made a post here about them,

they are pests, they grown and live in the gravel

there not really any problems just annoying to look at, but to get rid of them i just stopd feeding excesive amount of foos, only what my fish can eat in about 2-3min, and just keep cleaning ur gravel when u do water change, thats what i did at least and i still see a few here and there but not like b4

hope this helps...
Cheers. Any1 know what they are though and could they be a problem to the shrimp, as in attaching themselves to them or anything??

I shall try manually removing them and cutting back on feeding. I only have 10 Cherry Shrimp at the moment as I've just started with them so I dont feed much anyway!

If they are the white thin planaria types you should be ok. I had flatwoms in my shrimp tank and they did kill some smaller ones. I would dig up my post but the search isnt working, flatworms tend to slide about the glass and substrate.
They dont look flat, they look round. I have looked on net and got pics of Planaria but they are not them. They seem to come out when the lights are off! When light come on I can see loads floating around, then they dissapear!

Shrimps dont seem to be effected, and hope they arent.

I wondered why my search feature wasn't working!!

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