Worm Ids


Fish Herder
Jul 23, 2004
Reaction score
North Yorkshire (York Area)
Today I got my last 5kg of live rock to finish my 25g tank.
As well as 2 mantis shrimp I also seem to have an array of wormy type creatures too.
Not sure what they are or wether they are ok to go in the tank.
They came out when I did my RO soak and wah before adding to tank..

Looks like a bristle worm but has spines to the head.. very long..

Other fat head worms no idea about these at all.. but they look gross :(

Any ideas? should I add to the tank or throw away.
I have a few people interested in the mantis but if anyone else wants them PM or leave a note on the other topic.
First dark brown one I am gonna guess is a type of ragworm. I've never seen them myself, but someone on a different website recently stumbled accross one of those so that's where I picked up the ID from. Not sure of the genus, but I was under the impression that they are either harmless or will eat other worms. Can you see any big mandibles on it?

Not sure on the other worms though...can't find a match in my books.

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