Worm Cultures For Sale (Live Food For Fry...!)


Fish Aficionado
Aug 20, 2009
Reaction score
land of the scots!
ITEM DETAILS:Banana, Walter, microworms
PRICE WANTED:£1.00 each

I will start selling a decent portion of Culture if anyone wants some. As i will need to re-culture mine often. So instead of wasting the stuff, it would be good if other people make use of it too.

Each bag of culture will be enough for the tub to be established in 1 1/2 days. This stuff establishes really quick.

They are extremely easy to culture but if you need help PM me

I have Banana Worms, Walter Worms and Micro Worms.
Each being £1 and postage 60p.

(note to Admin: this is not an on-going sale, its just while im rearing my fry i will have the stuff).

All negotiations and questions must be posted in this sales thread and NOT by PM.

Communications may only be taken to PM once the sale and price has been agreed upon on the open forum and payment/collection details need to be given.
The agreement of the time and date of collection or postage, or confirmation that items have been posted should also be posted in the thread.

Please refrain from commenting unless you are interested in more details or are interested in buying.
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Edit: SP
Edit again: wrote the postage and worm price in opposite places. :blush:
Hi there

Worm culture is new to me. Could you tell me if it is suitable for sengal bichir? Would the p&p be £1 per order or per item?

Hi there

Worm culture is new to me. Could you tell me if it is suitable for sengal bichir? Would the p&p be £1 per order or per item?


Hiya :)
The first food should be small live food, such as newly hatched Brine Shrimp (Artemia nauplii) or Microworms. Place the food near the fry when you feed them, since newly hatched Bichir fry are not very active hunters.
:good: It is suitable. So you could have a choice of just the Microworms or you could try the banana and Walter worms too.

Side note: the postage is 60p each and the price of the worms is £1.00 each, i got it mixed up. The more worm cultures you buy, the package is bound to get heavier, so the postage prices are individual.
I forgot to mention that the bichir is not a fry. We have had him for 4 months now, he is around 4". Will the worms still be okay for a larger fish?

Your topic would be better changed to Fry Foods or Live Food for Fry.
This type of food are suitable for very small fish or fry, secondary feeding to Paramecia and other protozoans.
I will be re-culturing this weekend, rather than going in the bin does anyone want some? Nice worms btw. :lol:

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