Woops... :(


Fish Crazy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Daytona Beach, FL USA
I just did a water change...realized as the new water was almost done siphoning into the tank from the 5 gallon jug that I hadn't put dechlorinator in it.


So I quickly dumped some Prime into the tank. How much damage am I likely to have done? Was a 50% water change in a 10 gallon that was mid cycle. Thinking of going to find some bacteria in a bottle and crossing my fingers.

Can't believe it slipped my mind like that. :blush:
how long was the water in your tank for before you recognised?

About an hour. And this is with a Penguin 200 filter...very overfiltered 10 gallon. :unsure:

I use a small siphon hose to fill the tank very slowly because the black flourite sand makes the water super murky if i stir it up.

Guess I could go buy some bacteria in a bottle and hope for the best.
Don't worry, i've heard far worse stories on here where fish have been fine. Just keep an eye for strange behaviour, but i'm sure if they are all healthy they'll survive it.
I just did a water change...realized as the new water was almost done siphoning into the tank from the 5 gallon jug that I hadn't put dechlorinator in it.


So I quickly dumped some Prime into the tank. How much damage am I likely to have done? Was a 50% water change in a 10 gallon that was mid cycle. Thinking of going to find some bacteria in a bottle and crossing my fingers.

Can't believe it slipped my mind like that. :blush:

i always add the dechlorinator straight to the tank and i never have any problems with my fish
I was reading an article of a guy with 300GL tank with Arowana in it.
He dumped the dechlorinator in the tank and pump the water straight from the tap.
Worked for him.
Don't worry, you may have a very small mini cycle at worst.
I know of alot of fish keepers that don't use dechlorinator at all with no problems. not something I do, but i have forgotten like you before with no ill effects.

I just did a water change...realized as the new water was almost done siphoning into the tank from the 5 gallon jug that I hadn't put dechlorinator in it.


So I quickly dumped some Prime into the tank. How much damage am I likely to have done? Was a 50% water change in a 10 gallon that was mid cycle. Thinking of going to find some bacteria in a bottle and crossing my fingers.

Can't believe it slipped my mind like that. :blush:
I've done this a few times, and always catch it after a while. Tap water doesn't have that much chlorine in it, and you diluted it in the existing tank water. When I realize I made the mistake, I add the dechlor right to the tank, and do a "fake" water change (siphon some water into a bucket and dump it back in) to mix it around. I did this shortly after my fishless cycle and did get a minicycle, but the couple times since I had no problems.
I was reading an article of a guy with 300GL tank with Arowana in it.
He dumped the dechlorinator in the tank and pump the water straight from the tap.
Worked for him.

Thats what i do on my garage tank, as i use a hosepipe ti fill it so i put the dech in first then fill it up.

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