I think that at long last my male bristlenose has realised that the collection of tubes in the tank are meant for him to breed in and not for clown loaches to sleep in!!
My q is: I only have two tanks (see sig/profile) so what do I do if he does manage to get some eggs to hatch? I am sure that no baby fish will last more than a few minutes in my main community tank with the 3 fearsome angels in there - they eat everything that moves ESPECIALLY baby fry.
will the angels (or others) eat them?
when do I move them?
can I move them?
does dad need to go with them?
help please
P.S. I have just searched all the other topics I could find and read the ENTIRE 14 page log that was posted last year by ybhae and couldn't gleen a straight answer. I did try
My q is: I only have two tanks (see sig/profile) so what do I do if he does manage to get some eggs to hatch? I am sure that no baby fish will last more than a few minutes in my main community tank with the 3 fearsome angels in there - they eat everything that moves ESPECIALLY baby fry.
will the angels (or others) eat them?
when do I move them?
can I move them?
does dad need to go with them?
help please
P.S. I have just searched all the other topics I could find and read the ENTIRE 14 page log that was posted last year by ybhae and couldn't gleen a straight answer. I did try