Went to the LFS today and got a Flame Angel and a Niger and a Leather Mushroom for my GSMs. I don't know that I'm going to be putting much else in there, now I can just sit back and enjoy
ok, after 2.5hours i've finally put the mushroom in...now i have a question. Should I put it in the sand? I have it on a piece of LR now,but who knows if one of the other fish will swim by too close and knock it over. Will it eventually latch on securely if I leave it there?
My leather still hasn't opened up yet (I didn't really expect it to for a little while) but it looks like the edges are turning a little white. Is it dying?
Give the mushroom time. My sarcophyton does this occasionally. It can take upwards of a week before mushrooms stop sulking and decide to open up again.
As for the Niger. I got rid of mine because it hated my clowns with a passion! It had no issues with any other rsident in the tank but my clowns would be chased relentlessly. One clown would hide and let the other clown get chased, then when the clown got tired it would dart in and exchange places with the other clown and the chase would continue.
I decided to part with it as i knew its size would also be a larger issue in the months ahead. The shop re-sold it to a person who also had dlowns and it chased these relentlessly too! In the end it came back to the shop yet again until it eventually went into a tank with larger clowns and this seems to have stopped its anger tawards them.
Other than this my niger was a model citizen and gave no danger to any other tank mate.
thanks navarre, i didn't expect it to fully open right away, i just wanted to make sure that it turning white wasn't a bad sign . When I got up this morning it looked a little better, made me smile and 5 minutes after I turned on the lights i looked again and it's actually opening up now