

Fish Crazy
Jun 30, 2006
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plymouth , devon , england
We have had a pair of clown plecs for about 3 weeks now , and have hardly ever seen them .

so for them and the corydoras sake we spent 3 hours changing the gravel substrate , to sand substrate .

they are now much less shy , and one of them is chasing corys out of his cave which is great to see as they used to just go in and bug him all the time , and he is loving digging in the sand :)

we are just so happy to finally see them doing what they naturally do , im so proud , and the 3 hours of pain on our backs , was worth it sooooooooooooo much!

ive just changed to sand in my daughters 60 ltr tank, for her panda corys, when i did they seem more happy and come out loads more, i bet your tamk looks lots better now to, its worth the time it takes :good: .
all the best donna :) .
Very strange this... I changed my tank to about 50% sand because i was getting my corys and sinse i did this my 5" bristlenose is out all day now, where as for the past year or so you would not see him unless you looked into his cave.

Only bad thing with my 5" BN and sand is he tends to move it around :mad: Every morning i have piles of sand here and there, and some plants lifted up.
Very strange this... I changed my tank to about 50% sand because i was getting my corys and sinse i did this my 5" bristlenose is out all day now, where as for the past year or so you would not see him unless you looked into his cave.

Only bad thing with my 5" BN and sand is he tends to move it around :mad: Every morning i have piles of sand here and there, and some plants lifted up.

aw bless him! :fun: ours keeps making little pits to hide in lol

our are only babies and are about 1 inch long , its just so nice to see them doing what they naturally do , i would recommend sand substrate over gravel every time :)

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