WOOHOO! Got A Job At A Fish Store!


Fish Crazy
Sep 21, 2003
Reaction score
New York
The store is called "Pets" is a family owned pet store, with an amazing fish section :D And I just got a job! I am working 3-7 on weekdays and 11-3 on saturdays :D
whooo! :D hooray for good LPS's and JOBS!

i'm doing community service Saturdays at my LPS, i get to see new stock when it's put in and all that jazz

(fish are bought tuesdays, quarantined in gallon jars until saturday, then added to the cycling tanks)
Congradulations on the new job, KimmyFishie89 :thumbs:

Do you think you will come home with any money, or will you spend it all, on payday, before you leave the store? :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm sure that you, at least, won't sell a pleco to someone with a 5 gallon tank, or an angel fish to someone with a school of neons! :nod:
Indeed inchworm :lol:

I hate dumb teens who shrugs their shoulders and go "dun know". Why are they working there if they dont know??

lol and considering I spent nearly all my money on my 30 gallon, most money I will make (Minimum wage unfortunatly, thats what you get paid at 14 -_-) will go towards more fish stuff. :lol:
Thats Awesome! I want to get a job at lfs but my parents wont let me becuase they think my grades will drop. But im am defenatly getting one in the summer.
Hehehe so besides wanting to spend your paycheck...... you gotta put that employee discount to work! Or if you don't get one, that could be good... less temptation. :p Congrats, I know you'll give out some good advice and the fishie community will be better because of you!
Congratulations, Kimmy! It's always nice to make some money of your own, and what a better way to make it than working with fish :).

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