woody good price


Fish Fanatic
Jun 4, 2005
Reaction score
Manchester UK
I went to my local garden center the other day, you know the type!
Good with plants and try to be an lfs at the same time. Doesn't work imo but anyway can you beat this.

Piece of tree root about 18 inch long..................£49:99

When I asked if the price should read £4:99 I was told that the item was special wood for fishtanks only and told that it was a good price!

I said that I would return in 10 years time and make them an offer cos I'm sure they would still have it on the shelf, the manager was most indignant and asked me to leave................He didn't have to ask twice. :no:
I like how he asked you to leave. Thats hilarious. Thats the most rediculous service I've ever heard of.
Oooh, I have a lot of "special" wood in my back yard. I'll sell it to that store manager for only $25.00 per piece! I can assure him that that's a good price. :lol:

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