Wood Or Steel


Fish Fanatic
May 30, 2007
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I have a 60 x 18 x 15 tank and was thinking of getting a steel frame made but ive been reading on the diy hood and stand thread that one could be made out of wood. Would a wood frame be strong enough to hold the tank, im guessing it would weigh in atleast 250kg with the water and gravel.
both would do, it depends on the look you wish to have.

I have a 54"L x 18"W x30"H on a wood cabinet and it looks great :good:
wood is more traditional for cabinets, metal would be more unique and interesting :)
I made my wooden one, 2x4s with 1/4in birch ply over the top of it. I popped on some doors and have some storage underneath. I would think that would be the advantage of wood over steel, unless you are going to add something for that. :) Personally, I wouldn't mind building one out of steel, but I would want to make sure that storage is taken into account. :)

Which ever way you decide to go, let us know. :)
Storage will be far easier in a steel frame as the supporting structure will not need to be as large as with wood.

As for size, I have a 6x2xx2 sitting on wood, and I know that CFC and Paul_MTS have tanks over 200 US gallons on wood, so I doubt your tank size will be a problem at all.
thanks for that guys, I'll get my dad on the case of building a wooden cabinet.
Just make sure the uprights are substantial enough... and the tank base is well supported, theres a few plans lurking on here - I have used "CLS" from the diy sheds for tank stands ... cheap and easy to build with.
Good luck, hope you get a nice result.
I have access to the necessary equipment, so build from steel, but wood is probably more common.
hi mate, what does cls stand for

Do you know... I cant remember ! (If I ever knew :blush: ) Its the cheapest wood they sell, used to be called "3be2" when I was a lad ! lol
Comes in 2.5M lengths, and is ideal for building cabinet carcases.

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