Woo-hoo! My Shipment Came In!


Chuck Norris is the reason why waldo's hiding
Oct 20, 2005
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San Jose,California
Hey everybody, I just answered the door and found the mailman giving me a package. OOOO...Its a pretty white box that has an airplane thingy that says priority mail... I likey. But anyways I took pix of the package and its contents :shifty: since I was sooo excited. I'll upload them later, Im so exctied. The 2 bettas I got from WUV were in the package with some black stuff which I dont know is... Lots of water was lost during the trip I can tell. :D ... Anywho, I'm acclimating them in the 3 gallon and the 2gallon. Im so excited. 10 more minutes I get to put them in. Wooooooo... Well this is the first time I ever got a package from anyone. :lol: ... Well Im gonna go and check on them right now. Update with pix tommorow when there calm and acclimated... Talk To Yall Later!

-Arrowhead ;)
Lots of water was lost? Tell me more :huh:
The "black stuff" are worm cultures :lol:
Lots of water was lost? Tell me more :huh:
The "black stuff" are worm cultures :lol:

Yeah the water was almost gone. DOH! I forgot to take pix of the water. LOL... Well anyways the black stuff had tiny white worms. Is that mud? Is it safe to put the black stuff. Do the eat the black stuff?

-Arrowhead ;)

P.S Thanks sooo much WUV... Your the best. The packaging was quite creative. :lol: It took me forever to open the package. :lol: ...
No, they don't eat the black stuff. You (if you want to keep cultures) need to get TWO empty bowls with lids (like a cool whip bowl or something) put moist potting soil in it and drop the cultures on top. Feed them (the cultures) something like oatmeal, put the lid on and put it away for like a week. Soon you should have free,live food.
And,you're welcome!
No, they don't eat the black stuff. You (if you want to keep cultures) need to get TWO empty bowls with lids (like a cool whip bowl or something) put moist potting soil in it and drop the cultures on top. Feed them (the cultures) something like oatmeal, put the lid on and put it away for like a week. Soon you should have free,live food.
And,you're welcome!

O.K so I have potting soil that im going to put a little water on. I have a tupperware thing that I dont use so Im going to use that to put it in, then I put the soil I have right now on top. Then a week later am I going to see the little white things? or just more soil? Thanks for the free food. lovin the savings. :lol:

-Arrowhead ;)
In a weeks time you should see tons of live food, provided you feed the food,of course.

I use small squares of plastic canvas, I put the food in the center and set it on top of the dirt. Check redbettas springtail thread for a pic!
Hey everybody, I just answered the door and found the mailman giving me a package. OOOO...Its a pretty white box that has an airplane thingy that says priority mail... I likey. But anyways I took pix of the package and its contents :shifty: since I was sooo excited. I'll upload them later, Im so exctied. The 2 bettas I got from WUV were in the package with some black stuff which I dont know is... Lots of water was lost during the trip I can tell. :D ... Anywho, I'm acclimating them in the 3 gallon and the 2gallon. Im so excited. 10 more minutes I get to put them in. Wooooooo... Well this is the first time I ever got a package from anyone. :lol: ... Well Im gonna go and check on them right now. Update with pix tommorow when there calm and acclimated... Talk To Yall Later!

-Arrowhead ;)

:D It was fun reading this post--I could feel your excitement. Thanks for sharing! :D
Was there a hole in the bags or did wuv not tie the bags tight enough ????

If your talking about the water going away. The Bettas were double baged. I dont know if theres supposed be that much water... :lol: First time I get fish by mail. :D ...

In a weeks time you should see tons of live food, provided you feed the food,of course.

I use small squares of plastic canvas, I put the food in the center and set it on top of the dirt. Check redbettas springtail thread for a pic!

Do you have a pic of the plastic Canvas? So you lure the food into the plastic?

-Arrowhead ;)
Most likely you're just shocked about such little water :p That's typical. If they were leaking, the box would have had water everywhere :nod: ;)

Here's a pic...


They get on the canvas to eat, when you go to "harvest" them just take a cup of water and dip the canvas, the food should stay intact and the worms will go into the cup. Then I get the worms out with an eyedropper,transfer them to a cup with clean dirt-free water and then feed them to the fish.
Most likely you're just shocked about such little water :p That's typical. If they were leaking, the box would have had water everywhere :nod: ;)

Here's a pic...


They get on the canvas to eat, when you go to "harvest" them just take a cup of water and dip the canvas, the food should stay intact and the worms will go into the cup. Then I get the worms out with an eyedropper,transfer them to a cup with clean dirt-free water and then feed them to the fish.

Hmmmmm... You gave me 2 bags full of dirt. One bag was all dirt I think and one had dirt and tiny little worms that I think are the ones that you should feed the bettas right? What kind of food do you put on the canvas? I did what you told me and filled up a rubbermaid tupperware that is a medium size. I put soil in it from the bags of soil we bought from Home Depot and then I filled up the tupperware, then I put some water in it to make it damp, then I put the soil you gave me on the top. Is that right, im not sure? I didnt put the second bag that I think says "orinda" ? I cant really tell what you wrote on the bag since its in black and the soil is black. Tell me if Im doin this right...OOO.k... Talk to you later ;)

-Arrowhead ;)
Bleh, just throw them out already!
J/K, J/K.

One is springtails, those are the white bugs. One is grindals, those are the worms. You raise them both the same way- with dirt and food.
If you look closely at the bag that you believe to be "just dirt" you will see small worms wiggling their way through it. You should anyway- I'd bet money that the culture didn't die in just two days.
It's completely up to you whether you want to raise them or not,theres no commitment. If you don't want to mess with it, seriously just chunk them- I won't be offended or anything.
Bleh, just throw them out already!
J/K, J/K.

One is springtails, those are the white bugs. One is grindals, those are the worms. You raise them both the same way- with dirt and food.
If you look closely at the bag that you believe to be "just dirt" you will see small worms wiggling their way through it. You should anyway- I'd bet money that the culture didn't die in just two days.

:lol: ... Ummmm... I'm looking at the grindal bag and saw nothing. I think the worms died, some worms died in the other bag because I was mushing the dirt. But lots of them are still alive. :D ... So should I still put the grindal in the same mixture that the springtails are?
It's ok if some were squished- all you need is one worm to get a culture going- really.
Keep them seperate. The springtails will eat the worms out of house and home, so set up two cultures.
It's ok if some were squished- all you need is one worm to get a culture going- really.
Keep them seperate. The springtails will eat the worms out of house and home, so set up two cultures.

O.K I'm going to seperate them. :D ... Lemme find another tupperware. But what food are they attracted to?

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