Wondering What To Do In My Tank


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2007
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Essex (Harold Wood/ Romford)
Hi i have a trigon 350 litre tank which i planted with alot of amazon swords, moss balls, java moss in places, eloda and onion bulbs, its a sand substrate and has loads of wood and slate for the fishies to hide.

In at the moment are:
A whiptail cat,
1 angel
1 red parrot fish
Pair of 3 spot gourami
4 yellow panchax
10 bronze cories
2 weather loach (1 albino)
6-10 kuhli loach
10ish clown loach
3 ancistrus
1 common plec
and a couple of rosey barbs (caught most as they nipped the angels fins but still a few stranglers need to be caught)
There are also several apple snails

They have all been in the tank for over 6 months and most for nearly 3 years now. They all get on and have their own terretories and places to hide but i'm in the mood for a change.

As i said i've caught most of the rosey barbs and am looking for a new shoaling fish and fancied some congo tetra (8 female, 4 male) as i kept them several years ago but broke down the tank shortly after and had to part ways, i was also thinking about getting some larger shrimp in, maybe mountain shrimp (basically has to be a filter feeder so it will not nip the scavengers in there). I am also interested in african butterfly fish up top and possibly some kind of eel but i have no experience keeping them so wondered which if any would be best and always hoped to get some king of freshwater goby but again have never kept and so do not really know where to start.

Any ideas or opinions on the set up or fish i want or have got would be appreciated, cheers for looking.

Sounds like you are already quite overstocked considering you have 10 clown loach in there! If you want a large filter shrimp then go for african fan shrimp, I have had 3 with panda cories, botia loach and BN plecs without any issues.
Wow your pretty well stocked I reckon but I suppose in a mature tank the boundaries will change. A few thoughts on your ideas though, with the african butterfly I would worry it would clash with the.

Also im quite tempted by twig catfish in my tank and you have quite a lot of boistrus fish in there just wondering how they get on in there as I have heard they can be a bit slow to get food and with stuff like a parrot etc it would be low down in the food order? Very interested in this:)
hi, i have actually been thinking or getting rid of some or all of my clowns as they hide 90% of the time and as for the whiptail it spends most of its time on my moss balls and wood with my ansistrus so i assume he gets most of wot he needs from there, but he does venture to the front of the tank for algae wafers and when i put cucumber in for them and i'v never had a problem with him since he's been in there (about a year or so now). cheers for the quick replies and i think i may go for taking out the clowns and kuhli's as i said i hardly ever see them and have the cories down the bottom for that part of the tank.
hi, i have actually been thinking or getting rid of some or all of my clowns as they hide 90% of the time and as for the whiptail it spends most of its time on my moss balls and wood with my ansistrus so i assume he gets most of wot he needs from there, but he does venture to the front of the tank for algae wafers and when i put cucumber in for them and i'v never had a problem with him since he's been in there (about a year or so now). cheers for the quick replies and i think i may go for taking out the clowns and kuhli's as i said i hardly ever see them and have the cories down the bottom for that part of the tank.

if your considering loosing the loachs, let me know if you have anything planned, im really thinking i may get some for my tank. Let me know if your interested and where your at id greatly appreciate it!!
hi, i have actually been thinking or getting rid of some or all of my clowns as they hide 90% of the time and as for the whiptail it spends most of its time on my moss balls and wood with my ansistrus so i assume he gets most of wot he needs from there, but he does venture to the front of the tank for algae wafers and when i put cucumber in for them and i'v never had a problem with him since he's been in there (about a year or so now). cheers for the quick replies and i think i may go for taking out the clowns and kuhli's as i said i hardly ever see them and have the cories down the bottom for that part of the tank.

if your considering loosing the loachs, let me know if you have anything planned, im really thinking i may get some for my tank. Let me know if your interested and where your at id greatly appreciate it!!

If they're to go in the 43 gallon, please have a re-think. These beasts need 6 foot tanks as they get to over 12" long.

OP - you are heavily stocked with some large fish that might even outgrow your tank. If you fancy a change, sell some stock on and replace in slightly smaller numbers than you sold. That should lower the stock in the tank (which would reduce the risk of anything groung wrong) and give you something new to look at.
had a big clear out, only left in the angel, 2 3 spot gourami, the panchax, 6 cories, 2 weather loach, the whiptail cat, the red parrot and 2 ancistrus.

Just wondered if its worth taking anything else out and what i could add to be interesting and wouldnt be too timid. As in my previous post i still would like to get a group of congos but apart from that i'm completely open to suggestion.
got my group of 6 congo tetras a few weeks ago but wondered if any1 thought i could get anything else or just leave it as is? was looking at rainbow fish or something for the very top of the tank

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