Wondering About My Betta


New Member
Apr 1, 2006
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My betta is a crowntail in a 6.6 Gallon tank. I have had him for about a month or so and he has been in his current tank for about two weeks. Yesterday I gave him some tankmates (5 neon tetras). At first they were doing fine (for about a minute my betta hid in his cave). Then he started stalking the tetras around the tank and every once in a while lunging at them. I went to sleep and today i looked at the tank and one of the tetras was dead. But now my betta gets along perfectly with the other fish, he doesn't even flare up at them. In fact he actually tries to swim with and rests in the plants with them (the tetras are still a little frightened of him though).

Has this happened to anybody else? Is it normal? and is there any chance that my betta will become agressive towards the other fish again?
First of all you have way too many fish in that tank. Also tetras are fin nippers they will harass your betta. Also so many fish in a small space will skyrocket your ammonia and such, which is probably the reason for the death of one of your tetras. This is a bad combination in such a small tank with no room for the fish to get away from each other. If I were you I would take the neons back and get maybe 3 pygmy cories as tankmates for your betta, or a couple african dwarf frogs.

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