Wolfies New Tank


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
Reaction score
Kent UK
54"L x 18"W x 30"H (25" waterline)
a shot of the pipework (water drawn from the other end)
the small off take is for the Eheims :hey:

sand and background added.
Juwel poster background stuck to inside of tank with aquarium stickers

full set up

1x Eheim ecco 2234 for mechanical filtration, leading to (this means they are linked)
1x Eheim Pro 2224 for biological filtration and polishing.

Stock (scientific names used)
8x Tetragonopterus argenteus, 2x Mesonauta festivus, 6x Devario assamensis 4x Rasbora elegans, 4x Danio devario, 4x Devario devario, 3x Devario aequipinnatus, 3x Botia almorhae, 3x Botia lohachata, 2x Yasuhikotakia Caudipunctata, 2x Yasuhikotakia modesta, 7x Chromobotia macracanthus, 3x Syncrossus helodes, 2x Syncrossus berdmorei, 1x Nemacheilus pallidus, 1x Polypterus palmas polli, 1x Polypterus delhezi, 3x Erpetoichthys calabaricus.

I was going to do a start to finish however my camera had other ideas :lol:
looking good :nod: i dont usually like ornaments but they are actually really nice :good: is that java moss or riccia or something you have going on in there? I love the way it kind of made a hill and then it slopes down. :rolleyes:
is that java moss or riccia or something you have going on in there?

java moss, grows like wildfire in there as there are no other plants absorbing the no3

(goes away thinking of how to 'trick' people into making a comment)
What ever happened about the brackish tank Wolf?
are the fish in there wolf??? love to see a clearer pic please get a new camera!!! :D :D :D
How are you liking the Rope Fish? I thought about selling the 75 gallon I have and getting maybe a 125 for the loaches. Do they get along with the loaches?
there is the occasional... what I can only describe as close swimming chasing by the loaches
they will get right up close to the head of the ropefish and swim in formation
this only lasts a few seconds and dosn't seem to have any detrimental effect on either fish

to sum up
I have had no problems housing them together

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