Woke up before my fish today…

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Right now I have 3 tanks set up to view from my bed… yesterday being a holiday, I spent too much time in bed, so I woke up before my fish, this morning ( lights on timers, so I don’t often need an alarm clock ) so today I got to watch their morning routine… learned a few things…

1st… my angels are good buddies, maybe a male & female??? But they don’t sleep together… I was surprised to see one spends the night in one of the caves… the other in a corner, behind some plants… the cave is pretty big, but with the shape of the angel, I was surprised to see it come out of the cave…

2nd… the 3-4 inch kissing groumi ( a labyrinth fish ) releases all kinds of bubbles 1st thing in the morning… he must fill up with air, before he goes to sleep… he looked like it belched twice, releasing a good amount of air each time

3rd… while the Rummy’s spend the bulk of their time towards the top of the tank, they sleep under a big piece of driftwood, that has protruding pieces, and sits up about 1 inch above the bottom

I wish I had more time to spend with my tanks… I picture that movie “ Secret Life of Pets” where, when I leave, they all start partying
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Many fish hide at night to avoid predators. I know that Altums shelter in the roots of trees along the banks and that the fishermen know this. It is a lot easier to catch a sleeping fish. Every species has it's preferred hiding places.

Since predators need to be as big or bigger than their prey, a good place to overnight would be one where predators cannot fit or at least maneuver well.

I have multiple tanks in my bedroom since my first one went in there. Today there are only 7 down from 8.

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Meaning they don’t “look” happy???
We had a blackout last night and I took a flashlight out to the fishroom to turn timer lights off, to avoid a surge. It was interesting to see my hyper Platopochilus juvies hanging still on the surface, drifting.

My favourites are still some of the pencil fish group who have totally different daytime and nightime colour patterns. It's very cool.

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