Woke to Denison’s dancing in 1st morning light

Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Simulated 1st morning light… dancing in the shade of the Asian water moss…. Oblivious to all the other tank mates… they seem to like the water moss… I think a good purchase… not sure if they are egg scatterers or not… reproduction is unlikely in the tank they are in, but intricate dance is interesting to watch… not really much out there on breeding them… just double checked Seriously Fish… which seems to mention groups, but the dancing pair, pay no attention to the Tin Foils, or other tank mates or the rest of the group of Denision’s for that matter either
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Been going on for a half hour, since I woke… a very intimate dance, a lot of touching, and rubbing, and tight twisting circles, just under the extended roots from the floating water moss… tried taking a picture, but it’s too dark for the camera on my phone
Well that’s disappointing… they quit dancing when the next lights came on, and I could have taken pictures… it was almost an hour, that I got to watch though… now they rejoined the group of other Denisions, like nothing happened
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it sounds like they were breeding. if you take the plants out and put them in a hatching container, you might get babies.

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