Woke To A Cloudy Sea?


Sep 4, 2008
Reaction score
Sudbury Suffolk
Ok woke up this morning to a cloudy little ocean.

Did usual water change yesterday fully mixed all up to temp etc. Left it for around 1 hr then tested parameters.

PH 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10 - was previously 25 working on getting this down.
Phosphate 0.11 - rise in phos levels so changed Phos remover in reactor.

All was fine tank was nice a clear before lights out and was still clear when i went to bed at 11pm.

Woke this morning and it looked like a bacterial bloom does in a FW setup a white cloudiness to the water column.

All parameters are the same as above with exception of phosphate as i havent tested that yet.

Skimmer is collecting a small amount of brown phosphate remover dust as it does after i have changed it, i do rinse it but never get it all out :angry:

All livestock is accounted for no adverse effects on fish at all they have infact fed this morning. I have always had good surface agitation from my Koralia 3 any ideas?
Possibly calcium precipitation. I don't suppose you can get stats for Ca can you? Also, do you have any hard corals ATM?

All the best
Possibly calcium precipitation. I don't suppose you can get stats for Ca can you? Also, do you have any hard corals ATM?

All the best

Cheers for the reply, i'm a bit late updating this but i shall try to explain my findings as to the cause.

When i woke i noticed alot of Rowa residue in the skimmer cup like i stated but the cloudyness of the water was a "white" cloud not redy/brown like rowa dust is so i didnt link the two. Was searching for all sorts of things uch a you suggested an imbalance of Ca and Mag etc etc but i cannot test for those at the minute i do not have the test kits. I thought it was this anyway and preceeded to Place an airstone in and increase surface agitation even more.

I then went out to get some top up water and returned to an even worse scene, the tank was completely cloudy now again "white" cloud. But there was a tell tale give away as to the real reason and that was teh redy/brown deposits on teh sand which werent there before! and also on teh powerhead cages.

I checked the reactor pipe work for leaks as i always do to make sure, then noticed the reactor was just a black tube of way too excited rowaphos. There must have been an air pocket trapped in the filter towards the bottom so i didnt notice.

Once the air bubble/pocket cleared the flow through the reactor was too strong and forced any remaining rowa dust through the protective sponge at the top of the reactor and into the tank.

A mad dash to LFS for some Filter wool, wife had threw the box out that was actually full of filter wool that i alread had. Not her fault i left it out and the box feels empty even when full. Run that through the filter for 40mins and tank recovered, and still has it on but i will sort that by vacuming some up and replacing later.

Reactor now has a second safe guard above its original rowa stopping sponge and filter still running Filter wool again as a safe guard. Reactor goes into filter before the tank ya see.

hope that explains it
Could have explained your troubles. Did the cloudiness clear up?

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